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Our People

​안성기 홍보대사

Korean actor Ahn Seong-ki has been participating as a volunteer in various events at Uica since the 1980s.                                      In December 1992, he was appointed as a special representative of the Uica Korea Office, and in May 1993, he was appointed as a goodwill ambassador, and has been a member of the Uica Korean Committee ever since.           I am active as a representative goodwill ambassador. In the meantime, I personally visited numerous developing countries to see the conditions of children and to sponsors. Writing appeal letters for funds, promoting Uika's activities on broadcast programs, appearing in UNICEF commercials for free, attending various fundraising events, etc.  
We have carried out numerous activities for Uika's activities.                                                                                                                   

의료봉사 자원봉사자

홍보대사 임명

1980년대부터 유니세프 각종 행사 자원봉사자로 활동

1992년 12월 유니세프한국사무소 특별대표 임명

1992년 12월 유니세프한국사무소 특별대표 임명

주요 활동

1980년대부터 유니세프 각종 행사 자원봉사자로 활동

1980년대부터 유니세프 각종 행사 자원봉사자로 활동

1980년대부터 유니세프 각종 행사 자원봉사자로 활동

1980년대부터 유니세프 각종 행사 자원봉사자로 활동

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