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Privacy Policy - WUICA

WUICA (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) establishes and discloses the following personal information processing guidelines in order to protect the personal information of information subjects and to promptly and smoothly handle complaints related thereto in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act. do.  Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information) The company processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.  1. Homepage membership registration and management Confirmation of intention to become a member, identity and authentication through the provision of membership services, maintenance and management of membership, identity verification through the implementation of a limited identity verification system, prevention of illegal use of services, and processing of personal information of children under 14 years of age. Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirming the consent of the legal representative, various notifications and notices, and handling grievances.

Privacy Policy - Inside Viet News

'Inside Viet News' (hereinafter referred to as 'Company') values customers' personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.

Through its personal information handling policy, the company informs you of the purpose and method for which the personal information you provide is being used and what measures are being taken to protect personal information.

If the company revises its personal information handling policy, it will notify you through website notices (or individual notices).

This policy comes into effect from June 23, 2015.


  • Personal information items collected
    The company collects the following personal information for membership registration, consultation, service application, etc.

    - Collection items: name, login ID, password, password questions and answers, home phone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, occupation, company name, legal representative information, credit card information, bank account information, service use records, Access log, cookies, access IP information, pen name, self-introduction
    - Personal information collection method: Website (membership registration, subscription application, article reporting, etc.)


  • Purpose of collection and use of personal information
    The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes.

    - Fulfillment of contract for service provision and settlement of fees according to service provision
    Content provision, purchase and payment, product delivery or billing, financial transaction identity verification and financial services
    - Membership management
    Verification of identity, personal identification, prevention of fraudulent use by delinquent members and prevention of unauthorized use, confirmation of intention to join, age verification, confirmation of consent of legal representative when collecting personal information of children under 14 years of age, handling of civil complaints such as complaint handling, Delivery of notices
    - Used for marketing and advertising
    Development and specialization of new services (products), delivery of advertising information such as events, provision of services and posting of advertisements according to demographic characteristics, identification of access frequency, or statistics on members’ service use
    - etc
    Citizen reporting system and community operation


  • Retention and use period of personal information
    In principle, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, the information is destroyed without delay. However, if preservation is necessary in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, the company will retain member information for a certain period of time specified in the relevant laws and regulations as follows.

    Preservation items: name, login ID, password, password questions and answers, home phone number, home address, mobile phone number, email, occupation, company name, legal representative information, credit card information, bank account information, service use records, access Logs, cookies, access IP information, pen name, self-introduction
    Basis for preservation: Request for cooperation of investigative data from investigative agencies, Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information
    Retention period: 5 years

    Records of labeling/advertising: 6 months (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    Records on contracts or subscription withdrawals, etc.: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
    Records on collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years (Act on Use and Protection of Credit Information)


  • Personal information destruction procedures and methods
    In principle, the company destroys personal information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. Destruction procedures and methods are as follows.

    - Destruction procedure
    The information you entered for membership registration, etc. is transferred to a separate DB (in the case of paper, a separate filing cabinet) after the purpose is achieved and is subject to a certain schedule (see retention and use period) according to information protection reasons according to internal policies and other related laws. It is stored for a period of time and then destroyed.
    Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is retained, unless required by law.
    - Destruction method
    Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.


  • Provision of personal information
    In principle, the company does not provide users' personal information to outside parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.

    - When users consent in advance
    - When there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the provisions of the law or in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in the law for the purpose of investigation.


  • Handling of personal information and provision to third parties (consignment of personal information handling / provision of personal information to third parties)

    Handling of personal information 
    In order to improve services, the company manages personal information as follows and takes necessary measures to ensure that personal information is safely managed when signing a contract in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.   It is stipulated. The company's personal information processing agency and business details are as follows.

    - Company name: Withers International Cooperation Foundation
    - Job description: Homepage maintenance (computer management entrusted)
    - Personal information retention and use period: Until membership withdrawal or end of consignment contract

    Provision of personal information to third parties
    The company will not provide your information to a third party without your consent. If such a need arises in the future, we will notify you and obtain prior consent if necessary.


  • Rights of users and legal representatives and methods of exercising them
    Users and their legal representatives can view or modify the registered personal information of themselves or children under the age of 14 at any time, and may also request cancellation of membership.
    To view or modify the personal information of users or children under the age of 14, click ‘Change personal information’ (or ‘Modify member information,’ etc.). To cancel membership (withdraw consent), click “Withdraw membership” and go through the identity verification process. After posting, you can directly view, edit, or withdraw your membership.
    Alternatively, if you contact the personal information manager in writing, by phone or email, we will take action without delay.
    If you request correction of an error in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. Additionally, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.
    The Company processes personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of the user or legal representative as specified in the “Retention and Use Period of Personal Information Collected by the Company” and processes it so that it cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose.


  • Matters pertaining to the installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices
    The company operates ‘cookies’ that store and retrieve your information from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file that the server used to run the company's website sends to your browser and is stored on your computer's hard disk. The company uses cookies for the following purposes.

    ※ Purpose of use of cookies, etc.
    - Providing targeted marketing and personalized services by analyzing the access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, identifying users' tastes and interests, tracking traces, and determining the degree of participation in various events and number of visits.

    You have the option to install cookies. Therefore, by setting options in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
    ※ How to refuse cookie settings
    Example: To refuse cookie settings, you can allow all cookies by selecting the options in the web browser you use, confirm each time you save a cookie, or refuse to save all cookies.

    Example of setting method (for Internet Explorer): Click Tools > at the top of the web browser. Internet Options > Privacy
    However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing services.


  • Technical/administrative protection measures for personal information
    When handling users' personal information, the company is taking the following technical/administrative measures to ensure safety and prevent personal information from being lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

    go. Password encryption
    The company's member ID (ID) password is encrypted, stored and managed, so only the member knows it, and personal information can only be checked or changed by the person who knows the password.

    me. Measures against hacking, etc.
    The company is doing its best to prevent members' personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses.

    In preparation for damage to personal information, data is backed up on a regular basis, and the latest antivirus program is used to prevent users' personal information or data from being leaked or damaged. Personal information can be transmitted safely over the network through encrypted communication, etc. I'm doing it. We control unauthorized access from the outside using an intrusion prevention system, and strive to equip all possible technical devices to systematically secure security.

    all. Minimization and training of handling staff
    The company's staff handling personal information is limited to the person in charge, and a separate password is provided for this purpose and updated regularly. Compliance with the personal information handling policy is always emphasized through regular training for the person in charge.

    la. Operation of a dedicated personal information protection organization
    In addition, through an in-house personal information protection organization, we check the implementation of the company's personal information handling policy and whether the person in charge complies with it, and if any problems are discovered, we strive to immediately correct them. However, the company is not responsible for any problems arising from leakage of personal information such as ID and password due to the user's carelessness or Internet problems.


  • Civil service regarding personal information
    In order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company designates relevant departments and a personal information manager as follows.

    Customer Service Department:  Withers International Cooperation Korea Office
    Phone number: 070-1234-1234

    Name of personal information manager:  Jaehoon Lee
    Phone number: 070-1234-1234

    You may report any personal information protection-related complaints that arise while using the company's services to the personal information manager or responsible department. The company will provide prompt and sufficient responses to user reports.

    If you need to report or consult about other personal information infringements, please contact the organizations below.
    1. Personal Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 1336)
    2.Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / 02-580-0533~4)
    3. Supreme Prosecutors' Office Internet Crime Investigation Center ( / 02-3480-3600)
    4. National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center ( / 02-392-0330)

Youth Protection Policy - Inside Vietnam

'Inside Viet News' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Company') seeks to protect youth from various types of harmful information and, in accordance with relevant laws, allows youth under the age of 19 to access harmful information.

We have established and implemented a youth protection policy to prevent such incidents. In addition, the company is carrying out the following activities to strictly sanction harmful information such as obscenity, illegality, etc., and unethical and anti-social behavior that hinders the healthy growth of youth.



Chapter 1 Establishment of youth protection plan from harmful information and implementation of training for personnel in charge

The company prepares and applies a separate authentication device for media materials harmful to youth to prevent youth from being exposed to harmful information to youth without any restrictions, and is taking preventive measures to prevent youth from being exposed to harmful information to youth. We provide protection training.

Chapter 2 Restriction of youth access to harmful information and management measures

The company establishes and applies a separate authentication device for media materials harmful to youth to prevent youth from being exposed to information harmful to youth without any restrictions, and takes preventive measures to prevent exposure of harmful information to youth.

Chapter 3 Damage counseling and grievance handling due to harmful information

The company is deploying professional staff to provide counseling and resolve grievances caused by harmful information to youth to prevent the damage from spreading. Users may request damage counseling and grievance handling by phone or email, referring to the "Affiliation, name, and contact information of the person in charge of youth protection and the person in charge of the company" specified below.

Chapter 4 Youth protection officer and contact information

The company operates a youth protection manager and person in charge of collecting opinions and handling complaints regarding youth protection. If you have any questions regarding this, we will respond promptly and faithfully.

Youth Protection Officer


Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Youth protection policy enforcement date: November 19, 2015

Refusal of unauthorized email collection - Inside Vietnam

This site refuses unauthorized collection of emails.​

We refuse unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses posted on this website using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices, and in case of violation of this,

We would like to inform you that you will be subject to criminal punishment under the Information and Communications Network Act.

​Illegal Spam Response Center (

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